Residential Training
The Residential Training for Cohort 1 ran between 3rd and 29th February, 2020 at MS TCDC USA River, Arusha. In the period of four weeks, fellows:
+ Explored Public Interest Litigation i.e What it is, Why it matters and How it is done.
+ Answered the question of whether to litigate or not to litigate i.e What is the appropriate legal action.
+ Dissected the fine details of Public Interest Litigation i.e How to litigate.
+ Consolidated all this learning with the toppings of Public Interest Litigation i.e Advocacy, Digital Campaigns and Risk Management
Proceeding from the Residential Training, the Practicum ran for 4.5 months from March 16 to July 31, 2020. Fellows worked on building and filing a public interest matter while hosted and supported by mentors in 11+ host organizations in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.